Depthkit Core Expansion
Depthkit Core Expansion Package Phase 10
Released March 1, 2024
Supported Unity Version: 2022.3 LTS
This release contains the following package versions:
- depthkit.avpro: 0.2.1
- depthkit.core: 0.14.3
- depthkit.core.shadergraph: 0.6.1
- depthkit.core.vfx: 0.6.1
- depthkit.streamingimagesequenceplayer: 0.3.1
New Features
- Support for Unity version 2022 (LTS)
- New XR Headset Support: Depthkit Photo Look rendering is now supported on XR headsets like the Apple Vision Pro, Meta Quest 2/3/Pro, and experimentally on Microsoft HoloLens 2. Depthkit Visual Effects Look rendering is experimentally supported on Meta Quest 2/3/Pro and Microsoft HoloLens 2. Some hardware requires performance optimization - See Platform Support for more information.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed in issue where some parameters in the Depthkit Studio Mesh Source component were not saved within the Unity scene.
Known Issues
- Due to an issue with visionOS and Unity's Visual Effects Graph, Depthkit Visual Effects looks are not yet supported on Apple Vision Pro.
Volume settings
- Volume preview does not work in HDRP.
- Adjusting your volume settings, especially manual volume bounds, can dramatically change the number of triangles generated by the mesh source. If you see parts of your clip go missing or see triangles flickering, try pressing the Set Surface Capacity button in the editor or increase the Surface Buffer Capacity by increasing the value in the capacity field.
VFX Graph
- When changing render pipelines or adjusting certain project settings, you may have to open the VFX Graph asset and recompile it to see the VFX output in the scene.
- Due to a known Unity bug, VFX Graph particles will not render when single pass instanced rendering mode is enabled.
- Due to a known Unity bug, VFX Graph geometry output is not supported for the Quest. When designing your VFX Look, ensure that you are using a point output.
Depthkit Core Expansion Package Phase 9
Released July 10, 2023
Supported Unity Version: 2020.3 LTS
This release contains the following package versions:
- depthkit.avpro: 0.1.1
- depthkit.core: 0.13.2
- depthkit.core.shadergraph: 0.5.1
- depthkit.core.vfx: 0.5.2
- depthkit.streamingimagesequenceplayer: 0.2.1
New Features
- Updated to be compatible with the new version of the Depthkit Combined Per Pixel format found in Depthkit 0.7.0.
Known Issues
Volume settings
- Volume preview does not work in HDRP.
- Adjusting your volume settings, especially manual volume bounds, can dramatically change the number of triangles generated by the mesh source. If you see parts of your clip go missing or see triangles flickering, try pressing the Set Surface Capacity button in the editor or increase the Surface Buffer Capacity by increasing the value in the capacity field.
VFX Graph
- When changing render pipelines or adjusting certain project settings, you may have to open the VFX Graph asset and recompile it to see the VFX output in the scene.
- Due to a known Unity bug, VFX Graph particles will not render when single pass instanced rendering mode is enabled.
- Due to a known Unity bug, VFX Graph geometry output is not supported for the Quest. When designing your VFX Look, ensure that you are using a point output.
Depthkit Core Expansion Package Phase 8
Released 03/09/2022
Supported Unity Version: 2020.3 LTS
This release contains the following package versions:
- depthkit.avpro: 0.1.2
- depthkit.core: 0.12.2
- depthkit.core.shadergraph: 0.5.1
- depthkit.core.vfx: 0.5.1
- depthkit.streamingimagesequenceplayer: 0.2.1
New Features
- New support for Unity version 2020.3 (LTS)
- Image Sequence Player for non-realtime playback
- Edge enhancement & dithering options added
- Improved texturing for Shader Graph and VFX Graph looks by generating spatially coherent textures.
- Core clips can now be optimized with a Surface Buffer Capacity slider that is proportional to the resolution of the depth image.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Depthkit Core VFX Graph integration.
- Fixed edge artifacts and spikes seen on clips rendered on the Quest.
- Fixed issue with Shader Graph clips flickering when edited or selected.
- Fixed issue with VFX clips flashing when selected.
- Fixed depth bias adjustment to work independent of the clip range
- Fixed depth bias adjustment causing texturing artifacts
Depthkit Core Expansion Package Phase 6
Released 04/20/2021
Updated use of Material Properties Blocks for URP and HDRP. This is particularly helpful when you are playing multiple Depthkit clips in one scene. You will no longer need to disable the SRP batcher or create new Looks for each clip when working with multiple clips at one time.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an error that was thrown when a Depthkit clip was disabled during playback.
- Resolved an issue that caused the Depthkit clip to disappear in the scene after linking the required video, metadata, and poster image.
- Resolved a texture artifact that caused erroneous texture bleeding between the color and depth data.
Updated Packages
Depthkit Core 0.9.0 provides a direct integration with Unity, with a focus on optimized performance and quality. This package is required and must be imported into your project prior to importing the Shader Graph or VFX Graph packages. Depthkit Core supports the Built-in Render Pipeline.
Depthkit Core Shadergraph 0.3.1 provides compatibility with Unity’s Scriptable Render Pipelines, including URP and HDRP. This package unlocks Depthkit’s support for the Shader Graph. Import this package via the Package Manager after importing the Depthkit Core package.
Depthkit Core VFX 0.3.1 unlocks Depthkit’s support for the Visual Effect Graph. This package is compatible with Unity’s Scriptable Render Pipelines, including URP and HDRP. Import this package via the Package Manager after importing the Depthkit Core package.
Updated 11 months ago