Streaming Geometry introduced in Depthkit 0.8.1
As of the release of Depthkit 0.8.1, this new workflow which uses textured geometry sequences replaces the old Three.js Depthkit renderer which used Combined Per Pixel video.
In this page
Playing Depthkit clips in WebXR with 8th Wall β
Building a Depthkit web player with Depthkit.js β
Playing Depthkit clips in WebXR with 8th Wall
Depthkit Core, Cinema, and Studio clips exported as WebXR-optimized geometry sequences can be quickly published to 8th Wall by following our tutorial.
Building a Depthkit web player with Depthkit.js
Depthkit Core, Cinema, and Studio clips exported as WebXR-optimized geometry sequences can be used with the Depthkit.js geometry sequence player to playback Depthkit clips in web browsers for desktop, mobile, and XR devices.
Follow the instructions in the repository's Readme to set up your developer environment with this module.
Updated 10 months ago